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MissionPoland Topics for 2018

1. Deity of Christ (Isaiah 40:3; Rev 22:13)


2. The Death, Burial & Resurrection of Jesus Christ  

                                                (Gospels, Acts & 1 Cor. 15)                                       



3. The New Birth (John 3; 1 Peter 1; Eph; Rom)


4. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit & Full Appropriation  



(John 13 &16; Acts. 1:8; Romans 8:1-27; 1 Cor. 12 -14; Gal. 5:16-26: 1 John 1:5-10)

5. Judgment Seat of Christ for believers  (2 Cor.5:9-21; Heb. 11-12; 1Thess.2:19-20)




6. Second Coming of Jesus Christ 

(Matthew 24; 1 Thessalonians 4-5; 2 Peter 2-3; The Revelation of Jesus Christ & the O.T Prophets)

7. Our Mission, Calling & Preparation  (The four Gospels, Acts & Letters to Timothy)




8. The Church that was given to us by Christ and His Chosen Apostles

(Acts; 1 & 2 Corinthians; 1 Tim.3,4; Revelation 1-3)

9. 9. Overcoming the World, the Flesh and the Devil (1 John 2:15-17; 1 Peter 5:8-9; Rom.8)

10. Physical Healing & Bondage Breaking (Jacob 5:13-18; Acts 17: 14-21)

11. Predestination of all believers (Rom 8:28-39; Eph 1; 2 Pet 3:9; 1 Tim2:4)




12. Royal priesthood of all believers             




(1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 1:5-6; Hebrews 10-12)

13. Letter to the First Church in Rome

(Great truths of redemption and redemptive living)


14. God, Family, Church, Ministry & Vocation  (Matt.10:37; Eph.5:25; Col. 3:23)



15. The Book of Hebrews ( Eternal Security and not coming to Salvic Living Faith)


MARCH -  2018

16 Friday LONDON- (2 Day Bible Conference

With Polish professionals living in England)

17 Saturday LONDON Contact: Robert Jankowski (First Floor Polish Baptist Church)

18 Sunday WARSAW (Brethren Church morn.  Worship Service) Contact: Senior Elder Paweł Ratz

18 Sunday pm (to be scheduled)

19 Monday WARSAW (Edward Sosulski - Psalm Recording Studio)          

20 Tuesday WARSAW (Marek Kaminski - President of all Pentecostal Churches)

21 Wednesday am  GARBALIN (Prison Evangelism) Contact: Pastor Henryk Sierakowski - KJC

21 Wednesday pm WARSAW (Mid-wk service)

Contact: Pastor Wojtek Leszczyński - KChWE

22 Thursday  SZCZECIN (Coffee House - Street church Evangelism) Contact: Coordinator Zdzisław Michejów

23 Friday (day of rest and travel)

24 Saturday KALISZ (Baptist Church all day Bible Conference) Contact: Pastor Tomasz Jeżyk

25 Sunday OLSZTYN Baptist Church Service

Contact: Elder Mirosław Wiereńko

26 Monday  (day of rest and travel)

27 Tuesday SZCZECIN (11:00 meeting with Pentecostal Senior  Bishop Mieczyslaw Czajko)

27 Tuesday NOWOGARD (Evangelical Service) Contact: Pastor & President of all Evangelical Christian churches in Poland - Cezary Komisarz

28 Wednesday KAMIEŃ POMORSKI (Evan-gelical Church) Contact:Pastor Daniel Kowaliński

29 Thursday SZCZECIN (Evangelical Church service) Contact: Pastor Leon Dziadkowiec

30 Friday SZCZECIN (Home Church Bible teaching meeting) Contact: Maks Pyra

31 Saturday (to be scheduled – still open)


          APRIL - 2018


1 Sun. am PRUSZKÓW El Shaddai Church

(Worship Service) Contact: Pastor Jacek Słaby

1 Sunday pm PRUSZKÓW (Christian radio Program POP)

2 Monday (day of rest and travel)

3 Tuesday BIAŁA PODLASKA (Baptist Church Service) Contact: Gnel & Gosia Kevorkyan

4 Wednesday LUBLIN ( Pentecostal Church Service) Contact: Pastor Marek Wółkiewicz

5 Thursday ŁOMŻA (COG Church Service) Contact: Pastor Leszek Korzeniecki

6 Friday SUWAŁKI (COG Church Service) Contact: Pastor Leszek Korzeniecki

7 Saturday WĘGORZEWO (Church Of God all day Bible Conference) Contact: Pastor Leszek Korzeniecki

8 Sunday  am KĘTRZYN (COG Church Service) Contact: Pastor Leszek Korzeniecki

8 Sunday  pm (to be scheduled)

9 Monday (day of rest and travel)

10 Tuesday (day of rest and travel)

11 Wednesday (to be scheduled)

12 Thursday MŁAWA (Brethren Worship Service) Contact: Starszy Brat Dariusz Laskowski

13 Friday WARSAW (Evangelical College and Career Meeting) Contact: Pastor Sławomir Foks

14 Saturday  MODLIBORZYCE (Evangelical Worship Service) Contact: Pastor Jacek Duda

15 Sunday  am LUBLIN (Evangelical Worship Service) Contact: Pastor Jacek Duda

15 Sunday  pm. LESZKOWICE (Evangelical Worship Service) Contact: Pastor Jacek Duda

16 Monday (day of rest and travel)

17 Tuesday (day of rest and travel)

18 Wednesday JAWORZNO (Brethren Church Service) Contact: Senior Elder Stanisław Siodlak

19 Thursday (to be scheduled)

20 Friday KRAKÓW (Bethlehem Pentecostal Church Service)Contact:Pastor Wiesław Didoszak

21 Saturday – to be scheduled

22 Sunday am KRAKÓW N.H. (Pentecostal Church Service) Contact: Pastor Paweł Sochacki                                             

22 Sunday pm KRAKÓW (COG Homeless Church Service) Contact: Pastor Jurek Konieczny 


Poland in the Fall of 2017

"But they that wait upon the LORD, shall renew their strength. They will mount up with wings as eagles. They shall and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31.

OCTOBER -  2017 
13 Friday - LUBLIN Contact: Pastor Marek Charis (Hosanna Church of Christ)
14 Saturday LUBLIN County 2 Churches  Contact: Pastor Jacek Duda (New Church Plant)
15 Sunday - LUBLIN Contact: Pastor Jacek Duda (Evangelical Church)
16 Monday  - KRAKÓW               
17 Tuesday - KRAKÓW  (WZ 5pm)
18 Wednesday am - SIERADZ (Federal Prison Evangelism)  Contact: Maria Weiss
18 Wednesday pm - SIERADZ (Jesus Lives Church - ul.Warcka 8) Maria Weiss
19 Thursday – (travel and rest day)
20 Fri. OLSZTYN (2018 Baptist Church planning)
21 Saturday - WARSAW The Ark Church Contact: Director Paweł Jarosz. (National Conf. for Retired Pastors & Church workers)
22 Sunday am  ZDUŃSKA WOLA (Jesus Lives Church) Contact: Pastor Paweł Plawski
22 Sunday  pm – WARSAW Independent Bible Church Sevice _ Contact: Pastor Maksymilian Pyra Sr.
23 Monday – (travel and communications) 
24 Tuesday –KRAKÓW (rest and prepare)
25 Wednesday am - GARBALIN (Prison Evangelism)Contact:Pastor Henryk Sierakowski
25 Wednesday pm PIĄTKÓW - DĘBLIN (Evangelical service) Contact:Pastor Bolesław Wycoczyński
26 Thursday (travel and rest) 
27 Fri. WARSAW & SIERPC (Follow up)
28 Saturday – WARSAW * (Ark Church) Bible Conference 9am 6pm Stanisławowska 14 Contact: Director Paweł Jarosz 
29 Sunday - ŁÓDŹ (Living Water Church) Contact: Pastor Eugeniusz Buza
29 Sunday pm – (Still Being Scheduled)
30 Monday -  (Still Being Planned)
31 Tuesday – (travel and rest day)

NOVEMBER - 2017 
1 Wed. KRAKÓW Contact: Pastor Jurek Konieczny (Lazarus Homeless Ch. Service)
2/3 Thurs./Fri. - BOCHNIA (Anna’s Family)
3 Piątek -  (Travel and rest)
4 Sobota – (Still Being Scheduled) 
5 Sunday  am- KALISZ  (Baptist Church)   Contact: Pastor Tomasz Jeżyk 
5 Sunday pm  - WARSAW - Brethren Church Service - Contact: Pawel Ratz
6/7Mon/Tues WARSAW (Leadership Meetings) Tues.(MW 9 am) (AB 11 am)
8 Wednesday – STARGARD (Mid-week Church Service) Contact: Pastor Edward Wraga
9 Thursday – SZCZECIN (Mid-Week Ch. Service) Contact: Pastor Leon Dziadkowiec
10 Friday – (travel and rest day)
11 Saturday - GRYFINO  *(Church Bible Conference) Contact: Pastor Zenon Wolek 
12 Sunday am – GRYFINO  (Pentecostal Church)   Contact: Pastor Zenon Wolek
12 Sunday pm – SZCZECIN (Home Churches) Contact: Pastor Maximilian Pyra Jr.
13 Monday – SZCZECIN  (Individual Leadership meetings) (MCz)
14 Tuesday – SZCZECIN - Gateway to Heaven Church - Contact - Radek Sieja
15 Wed. KAMIEŃ POMORSKI  Evang. Ch. Service- Contact:Pastor Daniel Kowalinski
17 Friday am KRAKÓW - Contact: Director Andrzej Witek ('Emmanuel' Christian School )                         
17 Friday pm – KRAKÓW - Global Leadership Summit (meeting pastors)
18 Saturday – RZESZÓW - Baptist Church Bible Conference - Contact Jurek Miara
19 Sunday am - KRAKÓW - Nowa Huta Church. Contact: Pastor Paweł Sochacki
19 Sunday pm - KRAKÓW – Lazarus Church of God for the Homeless. Contact: Pastor Jurek Konieczny

MissionPoland Preaching Topics for 2107*
1. Deity of Christ (Isaiah 40:3; Rev 22:13)
2. New Birth  (John  3; 1 Peter 1)
3. Indwelling ministry of the Holy Spirit (John 13 & 16; Acts. 1:8; Romans 8:1-27; 1 Cor. 12 -14; Gal. 5:16-26)
4. Judgment Seat of Christ for believer  (2 Cor.5:9-21; Heb. 11-12; 1Thess.2:19-20)
5. Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Matthew 24; 1 Thessalonians 4-5; 2 Peter 2-3; The Revelation of Jesus)
6. Our Mission, Calling & Preparation (The four Gospels, Acts & Letters to Timothy)
7. The Church that was given to us by Christ and His Chosen Apostles (Acts; 1 & 2 Corinthians; 1 Tim.3,4; Rev.1-3) 
8. The World, the Flesh and the Devil (1 John 2:15-17; 1 Peter 5:8-9; Rom.8)
9. Physical Healing & Bondage Breaking (Jacob ‘James’ 5:13-18; Acts 17: 14-21) 
10. Predestination of all believers (Rom 8:28-39; Eph 1; 2 Pet 3:9; 1 Tim2:4) 
11. Royal priesthood of all believers(1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 1:5-6)

The Fifth Polish Women’s Conference in Chicago


In September 21-25 of 2017 and on January 19, 2018, the Polish Christian women will begin to plan conference five for 2018. Contact The news below is about previous years. 

In the beginning of last year Anna went to Chicago to meet with the Polish Christian women and they came  from every Polish Church and ministry in Chicago. Here were thirty women who wanted to celebrate the goodness of God having the same vision and desire.  All of them had one mind and heart to unify all the women believers in Chicago for the furtherance of the Gospel. A group of coordinators was formed.  One by one the women came to Anna and declared their hearts commitment and how the Lord was leading them with their talents. After this the Lord gave us the facilities and full support of one of Chicago’s finest evangelical churches - The Orchard EFC Church. The Ethnic ministries coordinator Shohei  Suzuki and the wonderful support of the church was a confirmation for us from God. This year's Conference and Outreach event took place at Bethel Community Church in Chicago on April 29-30, 2016.


In the beginning, we only had three months to organize this conference and all of us were inexperienced as this was the first such conference in Chicago. These women made up for this by their enthusiasm, humility and much prayer. Every week we had a Prayer teleconference for the leadership team of nine women and every week answered prayer was announced. The famous Polish music ministry MissioMusica was touring in America and agreed to come to Chicago for an evangelistic concert the night before the conference. Decisions were made as 250 attended the concert and 150 attended the conference. We had wonderful conference speakers including Andrea Buczynski  who is the Global Leadership Development Vice President for Campus Crusade for Christ.  Anna also had great joy to see our daughter Mary take part and serve as an interpreter. The response to the conference was so great that we already have a date in March and reserved  the same church. This event has energized the entire Polish Christian community in Chicago and reminded us that if we work together in humility “showers of blessing” will follow. Anna will be in Erie, PA over the Memorial Day Weekend to meet with the leadership team. Mary Whelchel was the guest key note speaker at Conference #2. 

MissionPoland: P.O. Box 681481 - Schaumburg, IL 60168 ( donations - checks need to be made out to "MissionPoland" )

Board Members 


Copyright 2009 by MissionPoland