In the Spring and Fall of 2021 we were invited to fifty Polish Churches total; as well as school classrooms, Internet interviews and evangelistic meetings in public halls. We are now scheduled to return to Poland for seven weeks of meetings in April of 2022; and a week pof meetings in Chicago are being planned. We ask for your prayers. For updates and our news letter, contact us at or
A typical trip for MissionPoland in the past ten years looked like this schedule from 2018
27. SATURDAY- LONDON EALING Polish Bible Seminar Noon to 6pm - Contact: Elder Robert Jankowski
28. SUNDAY - LONDON KINGSTON Polish Church Service 10:30am - Contact: Elder Robert Jankowski
30. TUESDAY – KRAKÓW (Private meetings with Church and Ministry Pastors)
1. WEDNESDAY - JAWORZNO Brethren Church Service - 5:30pm Contact: Teaching Church Elder Stanisław Siodlak
2. THURSDAY – PALOWICE Brethren Church Service 6pm Contact: Teaching Church Elder Marian Pawlas
3. FRIDAY - TYCHY Brethren Church Service 5pm Contact: Regional Overseeing Elder Marian Pawlas
5. SUNDAY - ŁÓDŹ Evangelical Christian Church Service 10am - Contact: Pastor Jarek Celebański
7. TUESDAY – NORTWEST POLAND (Private meetings with Ministry and Church Pastors)
8. WEDNESDAY - KAMIEŃ POMORSKI Pentecostal Church Service 6pm Contact: Pastor Daniel Kowaliński
9. THURSDAY – SZCZECIN Evangelical Christian Church Service ‘Betel’ 5pm - Contact: Pastor Leon Dziadkowiec
11. SATURDAY - NOWOGARD Evangelical Christian Women with Anna Łosiak 9:30 AM 'Upper Room Church’'.
12. SUNDAY - NOWOGARD Evangelical Christian Church Service - Contakt: Pastor & President Cezary Komisarz
14. TUESDAY – BIAŁA PODLASKA Baptist Church Bible Teaching 5pm - Contact: Pastor Gnel i Gosia Keworkyan
15. WEDNESDAY – LUBLIN “Spriritual Reawakening 44 Year Reunion” Contact: Ryszard H. Modrzejewski
17. FRIDAY – KALISZ Baptist Church Service - 18:00 Kontakt: Tomasz Jeżyk
18. SATURDAY - WARSAW Evangelical Faith Outreach Evangelistic Meeting - Pastor Wojtek Leszczyński
19. SUNDAY – WARSAW Evangelical Faith Church Service 10am - Contact: Pastor Wojtek Leszczyński
20. MONDAY – WARSAW (Private meetings with Church and Ministry Pastors)
21. TUESDAY – WARSAW (Private meetings with Church and Ministry Pastors)
22. LUBLIN - WEDNESDAY Pentecostal Church Service 6pm - Contact: Pastor Marek Wolkiewicz
25. SATURDAY - KOSAKOWO (Christian Baptist Wedding for London ministry friends - Izabela i Simon Wesley)
26. SUNDAY – OLSZTYŃ Morning Baptist Church Service 10am – Contact: Elder Mirek i Monika Wiereńko
28. TUESDAY – WARSAW (Private meetings with Church and Ministry Pastors)
29. WEDNESDAY - OPOCZNO Brethren Bible Teaching Brethren Mission Church
2. SUNDAY - WARSZAWA Brethren Church Service 10am - Teaching Church Elder Paweł Ratz
4. TUESDAY - SZCZECIN University Campus Evangelistic Meeting - Contact: Maciej Kieryk IFES (ChSA) Area Director
5. WEDNESDAY – SZCZECIN Evangelical Faith ‘Immanuel’ Church Service 6pm - Contact:Pastor Krzysztof Dziewięcki
6. THURSDAY – STARGARD Evangelical Bible Church Service 5pm - Contact: Pastor Edward Wraga
7. FRIDAY – POLICE Pentecostal Church Service 5pm - Contact: Bishop and Pastor Mieczysław Czajko
8. SATURDAY – GRYFINO Open Meeting for Women w/ Anna Łosiak 9:30am Contact:Woman’s pastor Lidia Wolek
9. SUNDAY – GRYFINO Pentecostal Church Service 10am - Contact: Woman's Pastor Zenon Wolek
11. TUESDAY - KIELCE Evangelical Christian Church Bible Teaching - 5:00pm Contact: Pastor Leszek Masłowski
13. THURSDAY - KRAKÓW Pentecostal Church Service ‘Betlejem’ 7pm Contact: Pastor Wiesiek Didoszak
15. SATURDAY - KRAKÓW – Open Meeting for Women with Anna (Łosiak) 10am – 4pm Contact: Dorota Sochacka
15. SATURDAY - KRAKÓW – Church of God Homeless Mission ‘Dom Łazarza’ 6pm Contact: Pastor Jurek Konieczny
16. SUNDAY - KRAKÓW Pentecostal Church Service 10am - Pastor Paweł Sochacki & Pastor Andrzej Sczyrba
16. SUNDAY - KRAKÓW Independent Bible Church Service 5pm - Contact: Pastor Jerzy Kłoda
1. DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST – According to the Prophets, John the Baptist, the Apostles, His Enemies & Jesus.
2. THE NEW BIRTH – According to Jesus and the examples He gave (Nicodemus, Samaritan woman, Leper, Paralyzed man, Publican tax collector, Thief on the Cross) the Gospels.
3. MINISTRY of the HOLY SPIRIT – Revival, Awakening and Victorious sin - less living come from the Holy Spirit who is also Christ in us to guide, protect and empower us daily. Acts 1:8; John 16; Galatians 5
4. JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST - All we have done as believers in the power of God or in the power of the flesh – good and bad will be judged before Christ (1 Cor. 3:12-17; 2 Cor.5:9-21; Heb.11&12; Matt.6:20; 25; 1 Thess.2:19-20)
5. SECOND COMING OF CHRIST(Gospel of Matthew 24/25 Revelation & Over 1000 Old Testament prophecies)
6. PREPARING for YOUR CALLING Your Mission/Vocation, Preparation as a learner in God’s Word, Practical Training and Victorious living. (The Gospels & Letters to Timothy)
7. WHAT IS THE CHURCH? Jesus gave the Church it’s name, it’s ordinances and its mission. The Apostles defined the offices of service and requirements. (Gospels & 1 Timothy)
8. THE WORLD, the FLESH and the DEVIL – It’s always good to know your enemy and how to always resist him. ( 1 John 2:15-17; 1 Peter 5:8-9; James 4; Matt. 4:1-11)
9. HEALING – PHYSICAL & BONDAGE BREAKING w/ SIN Physical healing in the Church age and overcoming sin in our lives. (James 5:13-18; Galatians & Ephesians)
10. PREDESTINATION is for the BELIEVER "Whom He Fore KNEW He has predestinated and Elected" (Romans 8:28-39; 1 Peter 1:2; 2 Peter 3:9; 1 Tim. 2:4; Matthew 7:21-23)
11. THE ROYAL PRIESTHOOD of all BELIEVERS Our mission is to the lost.(1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 1:5-6; Hebrews 10-12)
12. LETTER to the FIRST CHURCH in ROME (The Fall of man, Grace of God, Obedient Faith, Justification by faith, Sanctification, Predestination and our Mission)
13. THE RESURRECTION of JESUS CHRIST ( The Gospels, the Book of Acts & 1 Corinthians 15)
14. HEBREWS STUDY (Participation with or without faith make all the difference in time and eternity) Hebrews 4:2; 11:6; 12:2
15. GOD, FAMILY, CHURCH, MINISTRY, VOCATION - (Matthew 10:37; Ephesians 5:25; Colossians 3:23)
16. WOMEN’S MEETINGS with ANNA - (Renewing our minds as believers and homeschooling your children) Romans 12:2
Greater responsibility to bring the Gospel
The Gospel is being repackaged by various unscriptural teachings to diminish its power alone to save us to the fullest. With each subsequent trip to Poland, Joe senses a greater responsibility to bring the Gospel message from the Word of God the people of Poland. Satan always sends diversions when the Gospel alone in all its grandeur is actually saving souls. Our mission is to present the Gospel of grace mightily from the Bible which fully encompasses the three aspects of salvation. The sword of the Holy Spirit is the Word of God and we know the Holy Spirit is present in our salvation from the very beginning. Besides building up believers in the faith to live by the power of God living in us, we have as our ultimate goal to see the Poles themselves reach all of Poland for Christ with the Gospel of grace.
We are rejoicing that already 24 churches have invited us to speak and teach this fall, plus several inter-church meetings. Even while writing this newsletter 3 of those churches invited us. We anticipate a full schedule with evangelistic outreach meetings (concerts and private gatherings). We could not have come this far without your prayers and support as we start our fifteenth year full time in reaching Poland this fall. “For God, who said, "Let there be light in the darkness," has made us understand that it is the brightness of his glory that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. But this precious treasure—this light and power that now shine within us —is held in a perishable container, that is, in our weak bodies. Everyone can see that the glorious power within must be from God and is not our own.” 2 Cor. 4:6-7
Women Advancing God’s Kingdom
Anna will also have a time of sharing with women in some churches. For the last five years, she has been having a ministry to the Polish women in Chicago which included organizing five major conferences, several evangelistic concerts and follow- up seminars. At the last conference this past April, Anna was one of the main speakers. God in His wisdom made women different and women have never been sent to the front lines to fight a battle. The Bible is clear, that married men are to take responsibility for shepherding and teaching in church. A good wife is strong in her knowledge of the Scriptures and is a sounding board and advisor to him. Married men are wiser because of their wives! An excellent wife directs a godly home and her husband trusts her with this important testimony in the Church. A thriving church has women (as well as men) fully involved in Sunday School, youth clubs, worship, personal evangelism, summer camps, school teaching, etc.
In the Bible women were always part of the ministry of our Lord and in the early church. Mary Magdalene Suzanna and Joanna came from a prosperous background and helped to finance the “low budget” ministry of our Lord. The witness of the Samaritan woman was extremely significant as was the roll of teaching Timothy by Eunice and Lois. The loving care for the physical needs given by Dorcas, the hospitality of Lydia, Phoebe doing the hard work of traveling across the continent to deliver Paul’s letter, Priscilla risking her life with her husband is just as important as being a teacher in the Lord’s eyes. A woman’s teaching is in her godly actions and her example of the sorely needed practical side of theology. “She opens her mouth in wisdom, And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” Proverbs 31:26
06. SATURDAY Afternoon – MODLIBORZYCE (Evangelical Church Service) Contact: Pastor Jacek Duda
07. SUNDAY MORN. - WARSAW (Evangelical HQ Church Service) Contact: Pastor Sławomir Foks
08 MONDAY - SIERPC - The Closistered Benedictine Monastary for Women Meeting with Anna
08 MONDAY - WARSAW (Meeting with The Voive of the Gospel Radio Director Henryk Dedo)
09 TUESDAY - WARSAW (Grabowscy Family Ministry - EnArche Foundation)
10. WEDNESDAY – OPOCZNO (Brethren Church Service) Contact: Governing Elder Paweł Ratz
11. THURSDAY - WARSAW (Brethren Church Service) Contact: Governing Elder Paweł Ratz
13. SATURDAY - WARSAW The ARK Church (Inter-church Woman's Meeting on prayer w/ Anna Łosiak)
13. SATURDAY - WARSAW The ARK Church (Inter-church Men's Meeting on walking by faith w/Joe Łosiak)
14. SUNDAY MORN.- WARSAW (Evangelical Non Denominational Service - ARK Church) Contact: Pastor Paweł Jarosz
14. SUNDAY EVENING - WARSAW (Christian Concert with Warsaw pastors and friends)
15. MONDAY - WARSAW (Lunch and Meeting with Catholic Layity & Priests)
16. TUESDAY - BIAŁA PODLASKA (Baptist mid-week Service) Contact: Pastor Gnel and Gosia Kevorkyan
17.WEDNESDAY - (Day of Rest)
18. THURSDAY - WARSAW (Mid week Brethren service ) Contact: Elder Paul Ratz
19. FRIDAY - GRUDZIĄDZ (Evangelical Church Service) - Contact: Elder Rafał Kowalski
20. SATURDAY - OLSZTYN (Family Reunion with Mirek and Monika WIERENKO)
21. SUNDAY MORN MŁAWA (Brethren Ch. Service)Contact: Governing Elder Dariusz Laskowski
22 MONDAY - WARSAW - (Strategy meeting with Evangelist Singer Greg Kloc and his wife Olga)
23. TUESDAY – KIELCE – (Evangelical Church Service) Contact: Pastor Leszek Masłowski
24. WEDNESDAY - KRAKÓW (Day of rest)
25. THURSDAY - PALOWICE (Brethren Church Bible Study and Planning) Contact: Presiding Elder Marian Pawłas
26. FRIDAY LUBLIN - (Evangelistic Concert with Grzegorz and Olga KLOC)
27. SATURDAY - WARSAW (Inter-Church Senior Pastors & Elders Meeting) The ARK Non Denominational Church
28. SUNDAY MORN - LUBLIN (Pentacostal Church Service) Contact: Pastor Marek Wołkiewicz
28. SUNDAY EVE - LUBLIN (Married Couples Evangelistic Outreach Anna/Joe Łosiak at the Rożek Family HOME)
29 MONDAY MORN. LUBLIN ( Private meeting with Roman Catholic Parish Priest ZBIGNIEW CZERWINSKI who is a legend in Poland and the founder of a major well known reform movement (neokatechumenat) within the Roman Catholic Church. We met twice in 1976/77. He wrote a book on the Gospel titled, “It’s Free, by Grace” which is out of print but I hope to get a downloaded copy from him soon. He says, he stayed in his church to reach more people with the Gospel . He is now in a Senior retirement home but I am hopeful that the Lord will still use him to open many doors for the Gospel among Catholics. )
29. MONDAY AFTERNOON - NEAR TARNÓW (Private meeting with the Władzia Główka , wife of Jurek Główka to pray for her recovery)
30. KRAKÓW - day of family and rest
31. WEDNEDAY - SZCZECIN (Outdoor Singing and Preaching in the Towns Sq. ) - Contact: Elder Maks Pyra
1. THURSDAY - SZCZECIN (Evangelical Church Service) Contact: Pastor Leon Dziadkowiec
2. FRIDAY - POLICE Pentecostal Church (Concert with Joe and Salvation Testimony) Contact: Bishop and Pastor Mieczysław Czajko
4. SUNDAY MORN KAMIEŃ POMORSKI(Evangelical Ch. Service)Contact:Pastor Daniel Kowaliński
5. MONDAY – SZCZECIN - Private meetings (Former Bishop of the Entire Pentecostal Church M.Czajko)
6. TUESDAY - SWIDWIN - (Women's Meeting with Anna) Contact: Pastor Adam Ciućka
7. WEDNESDAY – GRYFINO – (Pentacostal Church Service) Contact: Pastor Zenon and Lidia Wolek
8. THURSDAY - KRAKÓW (Bethlehem Pentecostal Ch. Service) Contact: Pastor Wiesław Didoszak
10. SATURDAY - KRAKÓW (Polish Women meet with Anna) Contact: Dorota Sochacka
10. SATURDAY Evening - KRAKÓW (Lazarus Homeless House Ch. of God Service)Contact: Pastor Jurek Konieczny
11. SUNDAY MORN - KRAKÓW (Nowa Huta Pentecostal Church Service) Contact: Pastor Paweł Sochacki
11. SUNDAY EVE - KRAKÓW (Mercy Homeless House Non - Denominational Church Service) Contact: Pastor Jurek Kłoda
12 12m
13. TUESDAY - PALOWICE - (Private meeting with the President of all Brethren Churches in Poland - JERZY KARZEŁEK)
13. TUESDAY - KRAKÓW - (Private dinner meeting with former Oasis leader and personal assistant 'DR. WOJCIECH ZAJĄC' to the late great founder RC Priest Franciszek Blachnickiof the Oasis Movement in the Roman Catholic Church)
14. WEDNESDAY- JAWORZNO (Brethren Church Service) Contact: Governing Elder Stanisław Siodlak
16. FRIDAY - WARSAW (Pallotinium Roman Catholic Center) Private meeting with a teaching representative 'Roman Catholic Priest ANDREW' of the "NEOKATECHUMENAT" movement of Poland begun by Priest Zbigniew Czerwinski
17. SATURDAY - MILANÓWEK ARK CAMP - (Saint Paul's Missionary School Conference) Contact: Pastor Robert Boryczka of MT28 and The Baptist Church
18. SUNDAY MORN - KALISZ – (Baptist Church Service) Contact: Pastor Tomasz Jeżyk
15. THURSDAY – BOŻA WOLA (near Warsaw) – (Brethren Church Service) Contact: Witold Szponder
When we come to a church or a fellowship of believers, we are immediately in ministry sharing and teaching until we leave. We will continue building relationships that began for both of us over 25 years ago in Poland and for me 44 years ago. The first pastor I contacted in 1974 who is still living is setting up one of our cities and churches. Even with all the many years of preparation, study, training, ministry and all of your encouragements, the Lord has given us both time this summer for us to pray, study and prepare afresh for thirty to forty meetings in Poland in around twenty cities. Every day we are in communications with the people preparing our time in Poland. Modern day communications allow us to save money by doing this preparation work from home as if we were in Poland.
"For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." Eph.3:14-21
"Nie chodzi mi przy tym o moje życie, zależy mi jedynie na dokończeniu mojego biegu i posługiwania, do którego zostałem powołany przez Pana Jezusa, i na tym, bym mógł dać świadectwo o Ewangelii zwiastującej łaskę Bożą." Dz. Ap. 20:24
"But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God." Acts 20:24
1974 to 2021
When I first came to Poland in 1974, the evangelical church was infinitesimal in its size (.01%) and actually getting smaller year by year in the mid-seventies. Communism cut off any possible attempts at outreach and most Poles only knew a religion of salvation based on a life of good works and keeping church disciplines. This of course led most into a state of eternal uncertainty and conviction that God was continually being offended by us. His sacrifice on the Cross was not understood as a full payment for our guilt and shame; We would also have to pay and receive mercy from the Church itself to free us from the penalties we would have to pay ourselves in purgatory and possibly an eternal sentence to Hell. To this very day, people in Poland pay money to aid the dead and release them into eternal life.
In the mid 1970’s a large group of missionaries was sent from Campus Crusade for Christ which bypassed the tiny mixed in doctrine evangelical community. This group of Campus Crusaders which probably numbered several hundred coming in for a time over the past 40 years was able to directly reach the unevangelized 99.99% religious lost to what some have estimated to be five million Poles out of 38 million. Some have said hundreds of thousands became born again Christians and because 99% of the Polish communities had not even one healthy Christ centered church, most Poles simply stayed in the Catholic Church. However, thousands of Catholics saved at this outreach did increase the evangelical churches four to tenfold, depending on the community. On my trips to Poland, I have spoken to both groups. This great evangelization of the 1970’s and 1980’s slowed down due to many political and spiritual movement changes began to take place in Poland. Many other ministries also began to develop and have some fruit in the 1980’s and 1990’s. This brings us to today. There are now ten times more evangelical churches and fellowships. They are the hope and strategy to reach the entire nation of Poland with the Gospel. Most Poles living today were born after the seventies. Our mission is to work side by side with all of them to reach all of Poland with the "Good News".
The Lord Provides, Protects, Empowers, Transforms, Heals, Teaches and Guides
In 1990, Joe and Anna met in Chicago and married. They now have three children - (Mary- 27 (Married to Daniel Havlock - 27 in 2020), Lukas - 25 and Konrad - 21). A ministry of Christian radio, camps, concerts, festivals and training conferences were held throughout the city of Chicago.
In 2004, Joe and Anna started MissionPoland full time. This ministry began with holding Bible conferences and evangelistic meetings in churches and family camps in Poland. We also continued ministry to Poles in America and the U.K.. Fruit from these earlier years still needs to be gathered, discipled and organized. We still have unique doors open for us and have been preparing for an even greater harvest in Poland. God has protected and provided for us and we trust Him to continue, as we keep His word, love the Lord, honor His name and have His purpose.
"Znam twoje czyny. Oto postawiłem jako dar przed tobą drzwi otwarte, których nikt nie może zamknąć, bo moc masz znikomą, ale zachowałeś moje słowo i nie zaparłeś się mego imienia" Ap. 3:8
Many associated with Christianity label themselves to identify their faith in Christ differently. Paul the Apostle dealt with this problem in Corinth with Followers of "Paul" or "Apollos", or "Cephas". There are literally thousands of variations now, many of which overlap. Variations of Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Independent, Fundamental, Reformed, Dissident, (most recently Secular), Latin, Greek,Jewish, Polish, Coptic, Followers of Waldo, Wycliffe, Hus, Luther, Calvin, Arminius, Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Church of ______, Bible, Disciples of _______, National Churches, etc. Some like to identify themselves with a movement, revival or a spiritual awakening. One Pastor told me his spiritual roots go back to 1906. Others can go back to 55 A.D., 318, 325, 1065, 1363, 1415, 1517, 1619 various councils of all types. So who is who? Then we have the Gnostics from the second century and many cults that followed. This may cause some to turn away from faith in Christ, until we learn that Jesus and the Apostles told us that this would happen. Many false movements claiming to be His were suppose to come. If they did not Christ would have been wrong. Even the first century churches before the 'Church Fathers' that followed the Apostles, had differences that were assessed critically by the Lord Himself in the last book of the New Testament. So who are you? Sorry if I did not mention your brand, but there are literally thousands of names.The Apostles whom Jesus chose, trained and commissioned before there even was any church did not know any of these brand names. It was just the Church and Jesus called it "My Church". Peter was clearly the leader among the Apostles and he wrote two books which we all can read in the New Testament where he describes his role in the Church and who was the Rock on which the Church was built. The Church Bishops that followed the Apostles often stated that they were themselves bound to the teachings of Christ and the chosen Apostles. Because the faith "once delivered" as Jude stated was in fact delivered to us by Jesus Christ Himself through those He personally chose, trained and commissioned. We all call the Bible "God's Word" which was all in tact and in use within the first century and agreed upon within the first Church councils when the Church was just the Church. The identifier adjective 'catholic' meant all the local churches worldwide or the 'entire Church'. Churches were at first known by their locations, not denominations and the overseerer (bishop) had to meet requirements clearly spelled out by the Apostles Peter and Paul, which remain binding today. The Bible is the only book in history to contain the authorized words of Christ, the Apostles and all the published Hebrew Prophets. C.S. Lewis was officially a member of the Anglican Church but called his faith "Mere Christianity". Jesus warned us that in the end many will come up to Him in Eternity and claim that they used His name and did great things using His name, but He will have to say to them, "Depart from Me, for I never knew you". The organizations, associations, movements all have structures to keep order and to avoid misrepresentations like we see in Acts 5 as "the love of money is the root of many evils" in the Church.These administrations should be used to guard the Church and churches from corruption. It was what Judas was all about and too many more like Judas throughout the ages. Eventually all those whose love is really riches, social, lordship, political, sensual, whatever else or personal prestige may very well hear those brutal words Jesus warned of. So who is right? I'm not saying all churches are wrong, Jesus didn't say that either. He gave two of seven His approval in the last book of the Bible, those who "Have kept my word and did not deny My name." Jesus also said good things about all of those churches, except for one. These were the words of Jesus and He's the only One we are all called to believe. The Church is not the one to believe in, it is the one who believes. Believers are the Church and we are certainly not going to be saved by believing in ourselves . I once attended at Church gathering where my guest from Europe was not comfortable in the building as it was more like a modern theater than a beautiful cathedral. I asked him if he knew what kind of temple Jesus really preferred, he ask me to explain and I pointed to his body. This my friend is where His Spirit resides today if you have come to Him by grace through faith for your personal salvation.