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 Bible 1

Basic Bible Study on Salvation

Twelve Truths from the Bible to set you Free!

1. Jesus didn't come for good people ( Luke 18: 9-14; Col. 2: 13-14; Heb. 9: 22 ) He did not come to condemn us, but to save us, as we already condemned ourselves.  John 3: 17 He is a physician for those who are sick - Luke 6: 31; Mark 2: 17 The Cross wasn't necessary for good people - Gal. 2: 21; 1 Cor. 1: 18-31; Heb. 10: 11-18; 1 Peter 1: 18-19 He came to rescue us from condemnation and Hell by taking our sins upon Himself on the Cross, but we must want to leave Satan’s Kingdom of evil permanently and to enter Christ’s Kingdom of goodness; we must desire to burn mental and interactive bridges with our sinful ways and to repudiate ( repent ) our selfish ways, turning to Him as personal Savior and Lord to forgive us as well as to save us from sins penalty and power. He paid the debt for our sins in full on the Cross.

2. It is written many times, that every human is a sinner, except Jesus - ( Heb. 7: 26; Rom. 3: 10 ) Jesus loves sinners and died in their place John 8: 1-11; Luke 5: 31 Read the story of the Thief on the Cross and the tax collector - Luke 23: 39-43, 18: 9-14   He died & shed His blood for us while we were yet sinners & salvation is a gift only for those who believe. Rom. 3 , 5: 6-21, 6: 23

3. Only God is good - Jesus is God ( Mark 10: 18; Col. 1: 15-20; 1 Peter 2: 22 ) This is what He claimed - Luke 18: 19; Matt. 19: 17 Only He could open the book of future things - Rev. 5: 1-14

4. You must be born again ( John 6: 47; Mark 7: 20-23 ) You need to be born of the Spirit - John 1: 12-13, 3: 3 You are born again by believing - John 3: 16, 3: 36, 5: 24, 11: 25-26; Acts 16: 31 A new heart and change comes from God - Psalm 51: 12; 1 Corinthians 5: 17; John 15: 5; Rom. 8: 1-39

5. He looked for faith ( All four Gospels `Matthew, Mark, Luke & John' in every instance ) Wherever there was faith in Him, He performed miracles - Matthew 8: 5-13, 9: 18-29; Romans 3: 19-24  Faith must be placed in Him alone, living and totally dependent on Him. - Eph. 2: 8-10; Phil. 3: 8-9;  James 2: 18  Our good works cannot save us, we are saved by grace through faith alone - Heb. 11: 6; John 3: 18; Rom. 9: 31-32, 10: 9-13; Gal. 3: 6-14

6. God lives in people and not in buildings   ( Ephesians 3: 16-21 ) The coming of the Holy Spirit - John 14: 25-26; Acts 1:8 All believers have the Holy Spirit living within - Romans 8: 9-16; Eph. 1: 13-14  Our bodies are the temples of God and we must worship only God - 1 Cor. 3: 16, 6: 19, 1 Pet. 2: 4-10; Matt. 4: 10

7. We must pray only to God & Jesus is the only mediator between us & the Father ( 1 John 2: 1-2 ) Every prophet, priest, apostle, follower & Mary the mother of Jesus, prayed only to God - John 17:11 No one in the Bible prayed through the saints to get to the Father - Matthew 6: 5-13 Only Jesus can bring us to the Father - 1 Tim 2: 5; Eph. 3: 12; Heb. 9: 11-28

8. Jesus is God and the only way to Heaven  ( John 14: 6; Matt. 14: 25-33 ) Jesus Himself claimed to be God and the only way - John 8: 58, 10: 30, 14: 8-10  Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament - Luke 18: 31; Isaiah 53 There is only One who by His life, death and resurrection proves that He is incomparable - Acts 4: 12  He warned us about other ways - John 10: 8-18  Serious Christians changed the world - Acts 17: 6; Heb. 11: 1 - 40

9. Jesus Rose from the Dead ( Mark 9: 30-32, 16: 6; John 2: 19 ) We have testimony of many who saw Jesus after he died, themselves willing to die for this truth -1 Cor. 15: 3-8 Without the resurrection we are still dead in our sins - 1 Cor. 15:17 Buddha, Mohammed and all other founders of  religions remain dead - Jesus defeated death -  Matt. 12: 39-40

10. Jesus will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords ( Revelations 19: 11-21; 1 Thess. 4: 15-17 ) He alone told us how the future would look with nations, wars and real peace - Matthew 24: 6-8; 2 Peter 3: 3-10  In the twentieth century five major prophecies developed into place ( Israel’s rebirth, Computer control age, WMD‘s, One World Religion Movement and Two Million man army from the East ) - Rev. 8: 6-12, 9: 13-21, 13: 16-18

11. An individual relationship with Christ must be our most important relationship     ( Matt. 16: 24-26 ) Our true family - Matt. 12: 46-50; Mark 3: 31-35; Luke 8: 19-21 Follower’s life ( church fellowship, good deeds, believers baptism, communion & His mission ) - Matt. 10: 34-39, 26: 26-29, 28: 18-19; Mark 12: 29-30  To whom should we always  be faithful? Matt. 7: 21-27; Phil. 2: 6-11; Col. 1: 15-17;  Gal. 6: 14

12. Which side of the Cross of Jesus Christ,  determines your eternal destiny - Like the two thieves on either side: there is no better visual illustration anywhere. One man chose to curse Jesus and disbelieve His claims. The other admitted his guilt and in full faith believing, he asked for mercy. On the Cross Jesus paid the entire penalty for all your sins, but you must choose to trust Him completely with your life - to begin today, an adventure which never, never ends, as He washes all your sins away. Luke 23: 39-43; Col.2:14

Jesus said to him ( the thief on the Cross ), "I can guarantee this truth: Today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:43
God gives those who call on Him, Peace, Pardon, Power & Purpose - Life eternal & abundant. Read His Word daily, fellowship in a Church where Jesus Christ is central, communicate with God directly in Jesus name and share these truths with others as often as you can. Once you are truly His, He will never leave you, nor forsake you.


( Bible Study #2 deals with the authority of Scripture and heads off the phony arguments of the Da Vinci Code theories.  Bible Study #3 deals with good works in detail: Genuine good works begin with living faith placed only in the Lord Jesus our Savior - without Him we can do nothing - He said so Himself - John 15: 5 )

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