Christmas in Vienna - 1974 (Still under Construction)
Campus Crusade for Christ in Central Europe, had no work in Poland at this time. I had been in touch by mail with their Viennese office and during a two week stay in Vienna we began to form a possible strategy for working in Poland. I had been a student leader in Campus Crusade for a number of years and because of this important time in Vienna during Christmas as well as subsequent meetings in Yugoslavia with Bill Bright and Bud Hinkson, I officially signed the papers to join the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ in the summer of 1975 while in Colorado where all three of us met again. I returned to Poland in September of 1975 under the leadership of Bud Hinkson who was stationed in Vienna. There were a few people in Poland who knew about Campus Crusade, but none of them were working with Campus Crusade for Christ and no materials were officially or even unofficially translated and printed as of yet. We officially translated the Four Spiritual Laws and the Campus Crusade for Christ office in Vienna had them printed up outside of Poland at the end of 1975. There were no other Campus Crusade for Christ staff members living in Poland and no one else from Campus Crusade came to live in Poland until September of 1977. |
Visits from the staff in Vienna began during the winter of 1975/76 and the first ministry team came in the summer of 1976 for two months. During those two wonderful weeks during Christmas of 1974 I stayed in the homes of Bud & Shirley Hinkson and Dick and Linda Sanner. I also met all the other staff members living in Vienna and Bud's young son, Jon Hinkson who was filled with all the excitement of life, like my two boys are today. Jon is now a great scholar and on staff at Yale. The Sanners are pictured here below after returning to America.