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Revelation 5: 9
" And [now] they sing a new song, saying, You are worthy to take the scroll and to break the seals that are on it, for You were slain (sacrificed), and with Your blood You purchased men unto God from every tribe and language and people and nation. " ( if you can't sing it down here, will you sing it up there ? ) ( Christian Classics from the past ) ( Revival History Studies )
More Key Reference Sites:
Bible and Concordance
(The Bible Gateway), searchable, multiple languages
Charles Spurgeon Archive
(Library of Charles Spurgeon sermons, books, etc.)
Bible Study Helps
( what I use )
" I have undertaken to translate the Bible into German . This was good for me; otherwise I might have died in the mistaken notion that I was a learned fellow. " ( Martin Luther )
In the English language we are fortunate to have many good translations due to the scholarship and work of hundreds of translators over the years. All of us can go directly to the Scriptures and learn the truths of the Bible. This was the example of the writers ( By God's design ) of the New Testament who simply translated Hebrew quotes faithfully without extensive Word studies. We also have access to hundreds of Scholars who in many cases helped to prepare study Bibles and hundreds of Christian books which give us a greater historical understanding of the Bible and it's message to us. These links given here on these pages will give us access to some of those servant scholars who have encouraged us to be Noble Christians who search the Scriptures daily and test every teaching against the Scriptures. The quote by Luther above is a reminder that the work of translation was done by servant scholars over the past 2,200 years for the rest of us to read directly what the Lord is saying to each one of us. No one needs to be a Greek or Hebrew Scholar to understand the Scriptures. Again, this was made clear by the fact that the New Testament was written mainly in Greek and contains many Hebrew quotations faithfully translated without any word analysis given at all. The Scriptures are understood with the help of these translations and then the Holy Spirit takes over to help us understand as we come with open hearts to His Word. Through the years missionaries have faithfully put the Bible into the common language of the people. Faithful Scholars gave us the Bible in our own languages and stepped aside to let the Holy Spirit do His work. Good translators, translate what is explicitly written and do not interpret what might or might not be implied - this is left for the reader who can also study the context of every passage. Useful Scholars also gave us many helps in English like the
Net Bible , but don't get caught up in the minutia of the footnotes. The meaning is already there in the text, faithfully translated along with the context of the whole Bible. At times we must re-examine the meaning of a word in a controversy or misunderstanding due to language changes in meaning which go on in every country. It is also good to get historical and cultural background when available - all of us should be students. Many lexicons and Bible helps were written for English speakers which help us do just that. A good teacher who is languaged trained can also be helpful in these matters, but should never lord this training over others. The notes in the Net Bible or in any Bible are not part of God's Word and should be read with great caution; They are of the greatest help to current translators using English as their mother text - as is now the case with most of the Wycliffe Bible Missionary Translators who have all been given the Net Bible with the notes to help them see how other translators came to their conclusions. The Scriptures alone are God's Word to us today and can be trusted completely. THE ONLY LANGUAGE YOU NEED TO KNOW TO STUDY THE ENGLISH BIBLE IS ENGLISH. God's message is clear for all to see. All of us can come to the Father and ask for wisdom in understanding the Bible.
Finally, make sure you find a good church where you feel at home and which is centered around Christ and His Word; Where God's message and God Himself is the center of attention.
Be careful to examine all teaching in light of the Scriptures and to separate that which is explicitly and implicitly taught in God's word from man made teaching. We also need to have room for differences between us on those non-essential teachings which are not explicitly taught in Scripture, but are implied and where interpretation may differ. Here are three considerations which can help us center on what or Who is most important in Scripture.
1. That which is explicitly taught in Scripture and is essential ( Diety of Christ, Trinity, Resurrection, Salvation by Grace thru faith, etc. )
2. That which is implied, where interpretation may differ among Christians ( like finer points on using gifts, how to administer the Lord's table, worship styles, etc. )
3. That which is surmised which we should never mix with the first two. Theories which we can personally & loosely have on the side which do not contradict our faith, but should never be treated as sound doctrine.