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 Polish Spirit



The Spirit of

Pulaski, Kosciuszko, Pilsudski and Jagiello




Let’s now look at four of our finest and see whom they trusted and what made them great as they also faced  evil in their own time.

First, who were these two men from Poland who in short time achieved so much for the United States of America and in Poland as well? Who were the other two who inspired such greatness and courage in Poland. What really made them great? In the case of Kazimierz Pulaski we have his mottos which he carried on the banner recovered from his last battle. UNION MAKES VALOR STRONGER & NO OTHER GOVERNS. Pulaski was a man of Freedom and a man of Faith. That faith was according to his Moravian associations, a basic Christian faith **.

In the case of Tadeusz Kosciuszko we also see his heart in his giving up his Congressional fortune, not only to free slaves, but to school them in the Presbyterian Church Schools to become missionaries to Africa. Kosciuszko is also the one who drew up the document Polaniec Universal offering freedom to all of Poland’s peasants in 1794, not the May 3, 1791 Polish Constitution which did not free the Polish peasant nor allow for religious freedoms previously held in Poland during the Golden Age.

Jozef Pilsudski ( 1867 - 1935 ) was Poland's greatest military leader of the twentieth century and the only military leader in history to defeat the Red Army of the USSR in what is known as the Miracle of Warsaw 1920. He honored Christ by his total dedication to Poland's freedom and worshiping at the Reformed Christian Church in Warsaw. Pilsudski is buried with the Kings of Poland under the Wawel Castle where his tomb is tunneled to be beyond the walls of the Catholic Church at Wawel.

King Wladyslaw Jagiello led Poland to victory over religious tyrany at the Battle of Grundwald and kept religious freedom in Poland. Honoring Christ directly by his words just before the famous battle. On Jagiello's side during the battle against the militant religious order was the right hand of John Huss ( Jan Zyzka ) and the Christian Bohemian legion sent by John Huss to join the King of Poland against the Teutons. The Piast dynasty which preceded the Jagielons handed religious freedom down to them.  Most of the Jagiellons kept religious freedom in Poland to the last one whose words are often quoted today. " I am not the king of your consciences ".

A few years later Poland's foreign kings from Sweden and Germany ( Vasa and Saxon dynasties ) led Poland away from religious freedom. The new second class status of millions within the Kingdom of Poland began to weaken the country internally and Poland suffered 350 years of calamidy  after calamidy. Though Poland was still the most tolerant nation in Europe, there is a great difference between freedom and toleration were a ruling church has advantages over others. The Piasts and the Jagiellons understood this, but the Vasa's and the Saxons had other things in mind than the good of the Kingdom. Truth doesn't need a tilt, truth only needs an even and fair playing field.

More Polish Heroes of Distinction             

Poland has a long history with America and considers herself a partaker. Poles were at the Jamestown settlement in 1610 as tradesmen brought in by Captain Smith and two of the four foreign Generals in the revolutionary war on the American side were Poles.
Tadeusz Kosciuszko was the military engineer who designed the fortifications for the decisive battle of the Revolutionary War ( he left his congressional fortune in America to free slaves and to train them at the Presbyterian Mission School to be missionaries to Africa ) Kosciuszko is also known as the founder of West Point where his statue put up by the first students there still stands. Casimir Pulaski also fought in the Revolutionary War and paid the highest price by leading a Cavalry charge. He is considered the Father of the American Cavalry. Pulaski associated with the Polish Moravians in America who were led by a cousin of the Polish King Leszczynski.

These giants like many other great names in Poland’s history show us that they differed from the others who in the end admired them. This was also true of Pawel Wlodkowic who was the Rector of Cracow’s Academy in 1415 when he represented Poland’s side to the Constance world gathering in the Great battle of Grundwald 1410 against the Teutons who were an official religious order supported by the highest authorities in the Western Church of that day. Wlodkowic also defended John Huss who was burned at the stake along with Jerome of Prague who helped rebuild the University in Cracow. The German Bishops wanted Wlodkowic and his delegates all burned at the stake. Wlodkowic was honored by John Paul II in his visit to the United Nations for his contribution to international relations for saying that world rulers. bishops and the church are all under God and His word; They do not have the right to change His means to suit their ends. Fifty years later Machiavelli wrote his book, The Prince which gave us the opposite instructions for conducting international relations. Poland’s greatest writers Ostrorog, Modrzewski, Rej & Mickiewicz all had a deep and abiding Biblical faith - a faith based upon the Bible. For they knew that there was and remains only one original source which contains the words of our Lord, the apostles whom He chose Himself and the ancient Hebrew Prophets That He quoted. That Biblical faith gave them the Christian character we so often find missing even among some of those who claim to represent Christ. There are many other Poles who have distinquished themselves abroad who gave glory to God at the Jamestown settlement, discovering America and even leading the European Alliance of Christian Nations ( Catholic, Protestant & Orthodox ) in defending Vienna from the Islamic Jihad in 1683.

Today in Poland the Bible remains the most popular book. Here are some of the discoveries you can make which will change your entire world. Grab a New Testament and come to your own conclusions. Some folks have the most common of human philosophies. “ I’ll just lead a good life and God will accept me if there really is a Heaven.” But, the Bible teaches that if we could have saved ourselves Christ died on the cross needlessly.  Bible Study

We can believe in Christ because of the facts; No one compares with Him & He fulfilled over 300 prophesies, performed unmatched miracles, rose from the Dead according to hundreds of eye witnesses and predicted the future of the world which has been unfolding right before our very eyes today. He is Emmanuel - “God with us“.

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