Religious Seeker Lesson #3
( How to talk to Religious People about God )
Say something Good about what they believe ( Evans quote, D.L. Moody, CCC & Billy Graham in Poland) 1 Cor 9: 19-23
( Points of agreement among most Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Churches )
1. Holidays ( Christmas & Easter )
2. Social Issues ( Abortion, homosexuality, bio-ethics, private & home schools )
3. Theological issues ( cults, false religions, end times, Bible truths in Common )
4. Apostle's Creed & the Nicene Creed
Use God’s vocabulary ( Words and Concepts from the Bible )
1. Know the Scriptures - 2 Tim. 2: 15 ( Every Christian can learn )
2. Use a Biblical vocabulary, rather than religious jargon to describe the Christian life: A Christian is saved, in the light, has the Son, has the life, born again, etc.
3. On all questions take seekers back to the Bible and let them draw the conclusion on their own. Most religious lost people had conclusions drawn for them and need desperately to have their own personal faith.
Beware of stereotypes and human arguments ( Use Scripture - stick to the Bible )
1. Know the difference between a testimony or a churchimony
2. Again: Let them come to their own conclusions ( give them time )
3. It is more important to talk to God about men than to talk to men about God. Make a list of those whom you are praying for.
Know what it takes to be a Christian from the Bible, Who is saved ?
1. Real Grace ( the finished work of Christ on the Cross on our behalf )
2. Real Faith ( living as apposed to dead faith ) James 2
3. Spirit Filled works instead of human good are results of the new creation / birth. ( Malcolm Muggeridge story)
Understand good nationalism and bad ( America, the Christian land of all nations ) The Spirit of the Lord caused America to be a melting pot. Once that is removed from society, even " Americans " who are " religious " can become tribal and hateful.
1. Only one race in the Bible - Gen. 3: 20 ( no one chooses or loses their nationality )
2. No one chooses his physical family / nationality whose identity remains with us even in Heaven. There is no reason to be proud of your national origin or to look down at anyone for theirs. - Proverbs 14: 34
3. Believers are all one in Christ - Ephesians 2: 11-22
Good doctrine within the Roman Church - Bible Truths in Common - Revelation 2 & 3
1. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Trinity
2. Deity of Christ
3. Death, burial and resurrection
4. Virgin Birth of Christ
5. Second Coming
7. The Entire New Testament ( priests hungry for the Word )
6. Early Creeds ( 31% of the faithful Canada R.C. consider themselves Fundamentalist Christians )
Dead Religionism - Questions to turn the tables
1. Works salvation - front loaded and back loaded
( How Good do you have to be to get to Heaven ? James 2: 10 )
2. Worship of the church ( system, declarations, buildings, hierarchy, etc. )
( Is the Church equal to God ? Ephesians 5:23,24 )
3. Fascist Nationalism - Bonhoffer 1944 & Wlodkowic 1415
( Are we to love and respect all men ? Matt. 5: 38-44 )
4. Universalism - Vatican II & New Cathecism ( all 'good' folk go to Heaven )
( Where are all Religion's great leaders today ? buried! Jesus is alive !!! John 14: 6 ; 10: 7-10 )
5. Marian Cult ( Medjugorje dilemma & Rev. 12 )
( Whom do we have to believe in to be saved? John 3: 36 )
Our 1st goal is to point folks to Heaven - 1 Cor. 1: 23 1. Always get back to the Gospel ( key verses in Four Spiritual Laws )
2. Don’t use the “ The Four Spiritual Hoops ” - 1 Tim 1: 5,6
3. Concentrate on Justification & the Bible - Rom. 3: 19-24
4. Show them Sanctification only begins at the new birth - John 15: 5; Galatians 5: 22,23
5. Explain “dead” faith versus “living” faith for those with a works problem
a. Salvation is not of works - Ephesians 2: 8,9; Titus 3: 5; Romans 9: 30-32
b. Spiritual Transformation - Ephesians 2: 10, Titus 3: 8; 1 Corinthians 5: 17
c. Faith must be real - Hebrews 11: 1-40; James 2: 17,18; John 15: 5
( Did Christ need to die for you personally ? Carry on in this study )